TMA Play 2 Airdrop FAQ
[last updated: September 13, 2024]
As a player, what do I need to do to join the P2A campaign?
Players can start by signing up on the website. To join the Leaderboard, players must purchase VIP at least once and play at least 20 matches. The top 6000 players on the leaderboard will receive a token allocation during the TGE.
Simply put, unless a player has purchased at least one VIP membership, regardless of how many matches they play, they will not be included in the P2A campaign.
P2A will launch on July 30, 2024, at 12 PM UTC.
Note: After purchasing a VIP membership, even if the membership is not renewed, players will still be counted as P2A participants and will receive token allocations.
What happens to the VIP membership after the P2A campaign is concluded?
There are quite many plans for VIP membership after the P2A Campaign ends. This is a work in progress, and we will announce it soon after the campaign ends.
Are there different forms of VIP membership?
Yes. There are 4 levels of VIP membership.
How much is the VIP?
VIP 1 is priced at $5 equivalent to $RON.
VIP 2 is priced at $10 equivalent to $RON.
VIP 3 is priced at $15 equivalent to $RON.
VIP 4 is priced at $20 equivalent to $RON.
All VIPs can be renewed monthly.
Why are there VIP memberships?
VIP Membership also provides daily passive P2A Points and double points to team and friends via the sponsor system.
One major use of VIP membership is to protect players from bots. Since the points players earn will eventually turn into $TMA, it is crucial to protect them against those who exploit the system.But that’s not all. If players continue to purchase VIP Memberships and wish to use bots, their accounts will be burned.
In addition to the points above, VIP Membership provides perks even after P2A is concluded and is not only for this 2-month campaign. More info on this to follow soon.
VIP also boosts your day-1 TGE earnings, see later for a full breakdown of how.
What’s the duration of the VIP subscription?
VIP membership expires after 4 weeks and can be renewed manually. At least 1 VIP purchase is necessary to join the P2A Campaign. However, renewal is not necessary to keep access to the leaderboard, but players still need to renew their membership if they want to keep enjoying the active/passive bonuses of VIP.
What is the difference in VIP subscriptions?
Higher-level VIP subscriptions give more points per day and higher day-1 TGE earnings.
What’s the duration of the P2A Campaign?
8 weeks - However, it can end sooner if all of the Community Airdrop Milestones have been completed.
In how many ways can players earn points?
Whether playing in teams or solo, players get points by playing different modes (PvP/PvE), doing quests, through referral codes, leveling up, etc.
Note: Death Run has a minimum score requirement to generate points. This is to stop players from quitting and then re-entering the mode consecutively to farm points.
Does winning or losing matches give points?
Whether winning or losing, players will get points only if the match finishes successfully.
Note: AFK players will be kicked amidst the game and will not receive points.
Note: Players quitting during the match will not receive points.
Do different modes and matches give different points?
Yes. Playing different modes results in different points. Finished matches award the following points:
- Quick Play: 8 points
- Ranked: 10 points
- Death Run: 15 points per run with a score of 20000 or above
Do owning assets (skins/familiars) lead to earning points?
Yes. Quantity and Rarity of the assets matter in earning points. For every 10000 RON traded, the point value of each asset increases additively by 10% indefinitely.
- Uncommon - 50 points
- Rare - 300 points
- Epic - 1500 points
Additionally, to further reward players who have been with us since the early days, some of the assets acquired during the Closed Beta phase (before April 23, 2024) will get significantly higher points:
- Holiday Limited Rare Skins - 600 points
- Holiday Limited Epic Skins - 2000 points
- Loyalty Reward Skins - 3000 points
- Beta Reward Skins
- Level 25: 2000 points
- Level 50: 2000 points
- Level 75: 3000 points
- Level 100: 4000 points
For Beta Reward Skins, we tuned with the consideration that the players who managed to earn an account level 100 Beta Reward Skin have also earned every additional level Beta Reward Skin. Therefore, we considered the individual point bonus plus the total point value of rewards for account leveling, giving players the following:
- Level 25: 2000 points (1 skin, 2000 points total)
- Level 50: 2000 points (2 skins, 4000 points total)
- Level 75: 3000 points (3 skins, 7000 points total)
- Level 100: 4000 points (4 skins 11000 points total)
Lastly, Skins & Familiars acquired through collaborations with third parties are awarded 2000 points each.
Note: Players will lose their earned points if they sell or move their assets out of their connected wallets.
What are the benefits of being a member of a team?
Teams can earn points like players:
- Each player earns the Team 3 points for every 5 PvP matches completed and 1 point for each Death run (over the point threshold) completed, these points are doubled if they have active VIP
- Each player earns 5 points for each account level they gain, doubled if they have an active VIP
- If a player leaves the Team, the Team retains the points earned by that player
Additionally, the top 30 teams on the Teams leaderboard will receive an extra percentage of IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE tokens during the TGE. You can find more about the % in the TGE Earnings section of this document.
Note: If players have active VIP membership, 1 earned point will turn to 2 earned points.
Who can create a team?
Anyone can create one regardless of being an individual or a guild/platform.
What are the benefits of others using a player's referral code?
If Player X uses Player Y's code, both will get points when playing. Therefore, the more players use Player Y's code, the more points Player Y will receive. Those who have entered Player Y's code will also get points when Player Y earns points.
Here, Player Y is called the sponsor. Each player can enter 3 Sponsor codes, but each player can sponsor an unlimited number of players.
Earning referral points only happens when the game is played and is not passively given. Therefore, if a player enters a referral code and doesn't play, the owner of the code doesn't get any points from the player, and if the owner of the code doesn't play, the followers won't get points either.
Is there any punishment for AFK players?
There are a few points to mention here:
- If a player is AFK, they will be kicked.
- AFK players or those who leave a match will have a short chance to rejoin.
- If they do not rejoin, they will lose points.
During Quickplay, if a player leaves or gets kicked, if another player fills their spot and finishes the game, the newly joined player will get full points.
During the Ranked Mode, if a player is kicked or quits the match, no bots or new players will fill their spots. However, if the game has just begun, the team can nullify the match, otherwise, they will have to finish it. The reward of the match will be adjusted to account for the difference of team size.
If a player leaves matches too many times or is AFK, they may be blocked for a period of time or get banned from the rest of the ranked season or a certain mode.
What is the total supply allocated for the P2A Campaign?
Up to 7% based on the milestone which is around 70M TMA tokens.
When points are turned into $TMA, do players need to claim the token or will it be airdropped to their wallets?
Players will need to go to the website and in the "claim" area, where they will be able to claim a portion of tokens based on the factors mentioned in the previous and upcoming questions in this FAQ.
The conversion rate will be set at the end of the P2A campaign, and claiming will require gas fees in the form of $RON.
When players claim their tokens, where are they stored?
When claiming, tokens are stored in the connected Ronin wallet.
Do players need to finish each quest to get points, or doing half will get them half points?
Quests need to be finished to generate points. Even if a quest requires 1000 kills and the player ends up with 999, they will get no points.
TGE Earnings:
For individual player tokens at the end of the event, the tokens are given out as follows:
- We have a pool of tokens (based on the airdrop milestones) that are allocated as follows
- Top 100
- The top 100 are given an additional 140000 token allocation to split between them on a sliding scale from position 1 to 100, with the top player receiving a particularly large bonus. This is in addition to the tokens they get for being in bracket 1. This bonus will be given out as part of the Day-1 TGE earnings.
- Bracket 1 - Top 10%
- 35% of the token pool
- Player Count Limit: 1000
- 35% of the token pool
- Bracket 2 - 11% to 25%
- 25% of the total pool
- Player Count Limit: 1250
- 25% of the total pool
- Bracket 3 - 26% to 50%
- 20% of the total pool
- Player Count Limit: 1500
- 20% of the total pool
- Bracket 4 - 51% to 75%
- 20% of the total pool
- Player Count Limit: 2250
- 20% of the total pool
- Bracket 5 - Remaining %
- 0% of the total pool
- Top 100
Important Note:
As stated above, there is a Player Count Limit of 6000 across different brackets. This means, only 6000 players will receive tokens based on their position within the brackets. Therefore, should a player be positioned outside of these Brackets, they should not expect any tokens regardless of having collected P2A points.
Based on activity and VIP purchases during the P2A Campaign, the % of tokens awarded to the player can increase from 15% to up to 35% as follows:
% is increased as follows for VIP:
- +5% for each VIP 4 purchased or upgraded to
- +3% for each VIP 3 purchased or upgraded to
- +2% for each VIP 2 purchased or upgraded to
- +1% for each VIP 1 purchased or upgraded to
Note: It is worth mentioning that players can buy up to 2 VIP packages. They can also mix and match the VIPs in any way.
% is increased as follows for Teams:
- +5% for members of the top team
- +4% for members of the 2nd and 3rd teams
- +3% for members of the 4th through 7th teams
- +2% for members of the 8th through 15th teams
- +1% for members of the 16th through 30th teams
% is increased as follows based on which bracket the player ended in:
- +5% for members of the bracket 1
- +4% for members of the bracket 2
- +3% for members of the bracket 3
- +2% for members of the bracket 4
- +1% for members of the bracket 5
The rest of the earned $TMA will be unlocked within 6 months only if certain, daily gameplay hours have been met:
- first 45 payouts - 0.35% of the total remaining tokens per day
- next 45 payouts ~ 0.5% of the total remaining tokens per day
- final 90 payouts ~ 0.68% of total remaining tokens per day
- Final leftover tokens given on the last day
Example: If a player earned 1k tokens during PGS, placed in the top brackets for score and team, bought VIP 4 both months, and played every day beyond TGE, it would look like this:
- 350 tokens paid out at TGE (35%)
- 3.5 tokens per day for the first 45 days
- 5 tokens per day for the next 45 days
- 6.8 tokens per day for the final 89 days
- 12.3 tokens paid on the final day
In short, Players' $TMA tokens will be distributed based on their leaderboard position, VIP membership level, and team performance. The initial payout at the Token Generation Event (TGE) is 15% but can increase to 35% of the total earned tokens if the player meets certain requirements before the TGE. The remaining tokens that a player has earned will be unlocked over six months, contingent on daily gameplay activity, with a structured daily payout schedule.