PATCH NOTES 11/07/2023
Version: 0.21.0-7748
Closed Beta Rewards
Collectible character skins that players can unlock by earning XP on their account. Account XP is earned by playing Quick Play and Death Run matches.
- 1x Mercenary Bravo Zulu skin, unlocked when the player reaches Level 25
- 1x Urban Commando XE skin, unlocked when the player reaches Level 50
- 1x Desert Ranger Tesla skin, unlocked when the player reaches Level 75
- 1x Demo Daye skin, unlocked when the player reaches Level 100
Loyalty Rewards
Collectible character skins that are reserved for our early adopters.
- 1x Royal Guard Nightcore skin for all our early adopters who joined us up until this release.
- 1x Rustic Pyro skin goes to our Old Guard alpha testing community
- 1x unique Champions Sigil 2021 stamped golden Pyro skin to the official TMA Championship Tournament 2021 winners, Copenhagen Flames.
- 1x Chrome Daye skin reserved for content creators
Death Run Gameplay Changes
Battle through 20 levels and try for the highest score.
Meta Map
- Choose your route for a high-risk, high-reward game or go the safe route and risk facing the bosses under-powered.
- When exiting a room, a meta map will appear with a room map layout of the current biome
- 5 difficulties
1. Very Easy
2. Easy
3. Normal
4. Hard
5. Very Hard - Can only go one difficulty up or down from the current room
- Can’t go from a Very Easy room to a Normal, Hard or Very Hard room
- Can’t go from a Normal room to a Very Easy or a Very Hard room
- Impacts the dropped items and the score you get.
Introducing XE
- XE character is the protagonist in Death Run
XE Weapon Balance Pass
Reworked the base stats and the upgrade stats for both weapons available to XE
Base Stats:
- Reload Time: 1.0 seconds
- Damage: 2
- Max Ammo: 30
- ROF: 1 round every 0.07 seconds
By level:
- Damage: +0.4 per shot
- ROF: -0.0025
- Max Ammo: +5
Base Stats:
- Reload Time: 2.0 seconds
- Damage: 20
- Max Ammo: 5
- ROF: 1 round every 0.7 seconds.
By level:
- Damage: +6 per shot
- ROF: -0.005
- Max Ammo: +1
Grab a buddy for emotional support as you face the hoards trying to take you down.
- Select a familiar when entering Death Run
- Follows you around
- No gameplay effects (yet)
Death Run Weapon and Ability XP
Creating your ultimate build has never been easier.
- Unlock new abilities by earning XP within a run
- Unlock level-ups for equipped abilities and weapon by earning XP
- Gain 30% extra XP to either the weapon or ability XP track based on which was used for the final blow
Death Run Timer
“No more time out!” is a slogan we are trying out.
- Timer counts up, instead of down. Players can no longer lose a match by running out of time.
Death Run Score Submission
Your performance is now a matter of record.
- Always submits a score when the run ends, even during death.
If taking damage is inevitable, why not take less damage?
- 3 types, light, medium and heavy
- Damage reduction (10%/20%/30%)
- Affects movement speed (5%/15%/25%)
- Buying armor replaces the old one if one is already equipped
Pad your health pool with the latest advancements in personal protection.
- 3 versions, small, large and rechargeable, recharge kicks after not taking damage for a set time (5s)
- Regenerative shields recharge between rooms but small and large do not
- Extra hit point pool (50hp total / 150 hp total / 25 hp regenerating)
- Small and Large shields can be refilled at the Kiosk for 1 credit per 2 hp.
- Buying a new shield replaces the old one if one is already equipped
Death Run Difficulty Balancing
We’ve played around with the numbers and come to a conclusion that should lead to a much more engaging experience.
Other Death Run Gameplay Changes
Choosing XEs’ weapon:
- Chosen at the start of a run and can no longer switch weapons during a run
- When finishing a room only one exit will appear that will take the player to the meta map
- Room rewards have been removed as they have been replaced with weapon and ability XP system
- You can now buy upgrades for weapons and abilities in the kiosk
- Can increase weapon damage, ROF and clip size based on weapon
- Can upgrade existing abilities but you cannot buy new ones
- Price increases each time an upgrade is purchased
- Can buy shields
- 50 / 100 / 200 cost for small / large and regeneration - Can buy armor
- 100 / 150 / 200 for light / medium / heavy armour - Can still upgrade stats
New map: Blacksite
- The new map is added to the map pool rotation
- Push back game mode
- Flamethrower
- Max ammo 50 > 30
- Burn damage ratio 0.75 > 0.5
- Reload time 1s > 1.5s - Molotov grenade
- Duration 5 > 4 sec.
- Burn effect duration 3 > 1 sec. - Healing per second for pyro in flames 30 > 40
- Boomstick
- Reload time 1 > 1.5s
- Crossbow
- Reload time 1 > 1.5s
- Lightning Rifle
- Reload time 1 > 2s
Backend Inventory Management System
Implemented a backend system to track and verify ownership of in-game items such as character skins.
- Enables unlocking of skins for players
- Can now equip unlocked character skins in the Hero Gallery nested in the Main Menu
- Bug-squashing galore relating to the new features
- Fixed character not re-spawning if the player didn’t explicitly select a character but allowed the game to randomly select a character
- Updated game engine to Unreal Engine 5.2
- Exposed the players' ID to players. Located in the bottom right corner of most in-game screens.
- Changed Ozymandias Cross Icon from red to green to conform with the Geneva Convention. (War crimes bad)
Known Issues
- Lighting in character selection and in the end-of-match screens is too dark; a fix is already planned for the next update.