06 May 2024
Version: 0.24.1-9749
What’s in the Patch?
- Score Penalties for players who leave a ranked match
- You know who you are (and so do we). Stop it, please.
- Updated navigation of the Social UI
- Scrolling friends list enabled
- Navigation with a controller got some polish
- PvP bot aim update
- Bots go brrrr.
- Hero ability descriptive text updates in the Hero Gallery
- Reposted discrepancies in the text and numbers were addressed.
- Updates to the login flow.
- Behaves the same, just better.
- Updates to Android crash reporting
- For us devs to get more information on what’s happening.
Check out the last major update that added Android Support, Cross-Play, and Familiars:https://www.themachinesarena.com/blog/patch-notes-0-24-0
Known Issues & Workarounds
Haven’t changed (much) since the last update
- You may want to create the new account and link your Epic account directly via the website before logging in for the first time, as there is typing involved.
- Be sure that you link the correct Epic Account to your new Directive Games account. It picks up if you are already logged in to Epic Game Store in the same browser and links you to that account.
- Game Client may not log in properly the first time, simply try again. It should then retain the correct login token, and you only need to press login after that - but do not enter username and password.
- Game Client on PC may perform better than the old client as a result of performance improvements achieved for Android, but the Android client is still problematic on older devices and chipsets.
- If your phone is 4 years or older, does not support Vulkan 1.1, or does not support Android 11 it will likely not run, and even some newer devices will have hardware-specific problems. Please submit a Bug Report if you have a recent phone that should run TMA. Remember to include the specifications of the device, and we will look at it!
- New PC direct download and Android installer, launcher, and patcher (“Launcher”) does not correctly install or update the game client (rare). A complete removal and re-installation has helped with this issue. There is also a repair function in that launcher that is being expanded upon to fix this. This does not apply to the Epic Store client, which is its own launcher.
- New players are unable to change their Display Name, which was previously fetched from your platform, such as Epic Games Store. We will be adding this functionality to your Player Dashboard on www.themachinesarena.com
- If you encounter any issues while creating or managing your account, or while minting Skins or Familiars, please submit a ticket using our Customer Support form: https://form.asana.com/?k=HRZiRNnVxz3QghTZ0zbXaA&d=16779917582785 The same form can be used for suggestions and feedback to the team.
- For submitting bug reports, game crashes, mobile performance, and other in-game issues, please submit a ticket using our Bug Report form: https://form.asana.com/?k=queShsGEX5OfU_XV6GrGpQ&d=16779917582785