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09 Aug 2024

Status Update on TMA P2A #4

We’ve finally stabilized P2A to an acceptable level and are steadily addressing every individual report to tie up any loose ends and resolve any cases that escaped our initial fixes. Additionally, we have an upcoming patch that will not only solve many known issues but also bring fresh new content to the game. The release is slated for Tuesday 13.

We are still investigating reports related to inconsistencies in total P2A points displayed in the users’ dashboard and have potentially found the root cause. Quoting our lead software engineer:

“The trade volume bonus is sometimes zero when we calculate people's asset value, and because the update is spread out over time, some players will see the correct value, and some will see their asset points without a bonus. We're working on nailing down why it's zero and after that, it'll stop jumping. Expect asset bonus points to fluctuate a bit over the weekend because of inconsistencies in the data we get from querying the chain, and we will be looking at a perma-fix on Monday. No points are lost, only temporarily ignored in the total

And just to make sure the last part of the message is clear: your progress is correctly recorded in our database; even if your total might appear wrong, you will not lose any accrued points.

If you encounter any issues not listed there, or if you are experiencing issues that are supposed to be resolved, please submit a ticket on our Discord.

Thank you for your ongoing support

🛠️ Being fixed

  • 🛠️ Points inconsistencies
    • We have found the potential root cause of inconsistencies in total P2A points displayed in the users’ dashboards and are looking to push a permanent fix on Monday 12
    • If you are still experiencing these issues after Monday, please use this form
  • 🛠️ Apocalyptic Nightcore points not accounted for
    • This Epic skin points will be soon updated
  • 🛠️ Wallet linking issue resulting in players losing beta progress or VIP status 
    • We are investigating the cases and working on a solution to get player their VIP membership and their points back
  • 🛠️ "I was there" Familiar in production with the art team 
    • We are working on it, our Artist are drafting visuals as we speak 
    • Coming soon to anybody who was part of the P2A Day 1

🔎 Fixed but still tracking

  • 🔎 Instances of VIP being purchased but not added to the account
    • All VIP purchases are going through, but sometimes the status is not displayed correctly
    • There appears to be an issue with a Wallet being linked to multiple accounts that can create this issue
    •  If that’s your case, please fill out this form
  • 🔎 Inability to purchase VIP passes
    • Some users reported issues with purchasing VIP passes. If that’s your case, please fill out this form
  • 🔎 Inventory or progress loss after linking your Epic Games Store account
    • Some users lost their inventory or progress after linking their Epic Games Store account to the Directive Games account. If this issue afflicts you, please fill out this form
    • We currently disabled the ability to link your DG account to your Epic Games Store account, but if for some reason you are a Closed Beta player who never linked it before and can’t access your old account and inventory, please send us a ticket

✅ Fixed and deployed/ready to be deployed

  • ✅ Match count does not appear to be tracking accurately - more than 20 matches completed and the leaderboard has not unlocked 
    • Battle Server was not being detected/correctly accounted for, resulting in discrepancies between recorded and displayed matches. The issue is now solved.
  • ✅ On the dashboard, points earned by players are invisible if they are not yet on the leaderboard 
    • The UX now allows all players to see their points regardless of their presence on the Leaderboard
    • This issue will be solved with the coming content update on Tuesday 13
  • ✅ The newsletter signup is missing from the Directive Games account signup form
    • The signup is now in there
  • ✅ Nightcore bug where she stays invisible even after initiating attacks
    • This issue will be solved with the coming content update on Tuesday 13
  • ✅ Player logins occasionally fail and stat updates slow
    • We have decided to scale up the Database instance from large to EXTRA large (doubling CPU and RAM)
    • Frequency of many issues such as login problems and score updates should be significantly reduced
  • ✅ Asset points calculation
    • We have fixed an asset point value calculation error in which the points for held assets were counted and awarded multiple times
    • Unfortunately, the original fix accidentally excluded points gained from other sources, so we had to deploy a second fix. Now everything should work as intended, but if you are still noticing inconsistencies, please fill this form
  • ✅ Event logs potentially not being logged properly
    • We found instances of scores not being properly recorded, and while it has been dramatically reduced in frequency with the database upscaling, we are still looking into any new reports - if you notice anything, please send us a ticket
  • ✅ Inconsistency between in-game and website kill counts, Match count not tracking accurately
    • These issues were related to how things are being handled on the backend
    • Working on improving the speed at which we deal with game events to improve consistency and reliability. Dramatically reduced frequency with database upscaling, but if you notice anything, please send us a ticket
  • ✅ Inventory does not display item images 
    • The issue has been fixed and inventory now shows the images as intended
  • ✅ Frequent crashes and disconnections
    • Fixed an issue that caused crashes and disconnections on the battle servers; matches should be much more stable now
  • ✅ Notification for match found and waiting to start occasionally not showing up
    • The game now properly shows the notifications for a match being found and waiting to start a match
  • ✅ Familiar store cards not showing the proper Urellium icon in the store
    • The store cards now properly store the proper icon
  • ✅ The game is excessively zoomed in on ultra-wide displays
    • We have deployed a client hotfix that sorted this issue
  • ✅ Discord authorization error 
    • Discord authorization now works correctly
    • You might be logged out from the website but once you log back in you’ll see that you are authorized
  • ✅ Big Quests issues
    • Fixed a bug that allowed players to complete Big Quests in Custom Lobbies, gaining an unfair advantage. We solved the bug, and the exploit is no longer available
    • Progress was reset after the player completed a Big Quest and claimed its reward - fixed and not happening anymore
  • ✅ Mid-match and queue disconnects
    • Fixed the vast majority of the issues that were being encountered on Day 1 of the P2A 
    • Still tracking down very infrequent occurrences of this - if you encounter this please send us a ticket to help speed up the process
  • ✅ Website showing a black screen, refreshing does not fix
    • Fixed the root cause from our backend.
  • ✅ Death Run Point Rewards Issues
    • Deployed modification of point value requirements to ensure that it is balanced with other point generation methods
    • During the fix, we created a new issue where players could collect points from Death Run without scoring at all. We have also deployed the fix for this issue that we inadvertently created. 
  • ✅ Coalition Festival Map not in the ranked rotation
    • Added the map to rotation, enjoy.
  • ✅ VIP entries on the website showing incorrect daily point values
    • Values have been corrected and double-checked all over the website.
    • If you see any inconsistencies flag them to your nearest community person with a Screen capture 
  • ✅ Teams cannot be deleted once they've earned points 
    • We fixed the problem. Players can now disband a team regardless of the number of points it has.
  • ✅ Riot Sandbrush points not coherent with the Loyalty Rewards
    • We have updated this and owners who minted it correctly received 3000 points
  • ✅ Airdrop Milestone progress does not show anything until the first milestone is breached
    • Airdrop Milestone progress now shows incremental progress even in the first milestone
  • ✅ Decimal numbers are used in the tracking of quest progress
    • Whole numbers are now used in the interests of clarity and tidiness